Unlocking the future of satellite communications in Europe


Mark your calendars for May 25, 2023, at 3 pm CEST, and join us for the fourth Rohde & Schwarz Satellite Industry Day. Be part of the conversation as we discuss the latest developments in the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnection & Security by Satellite (IRIS2) project: the European Commission’s quest for reliable, secure satellite communications. Together, […]

Signal analysis IV: HF Signal Detection using Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a concept that is increasingly needed in automated communications intelligence (COMINT). Typical COMINT tasks using human or artificial intelligence are baseband (IQ) classification of signals, spectral shape (FFT) classification of signals, and signal detection in dense HF wideband signal scenarios. Join the next Rohde & Schwarz webinar and learn about: Definition […]