Japan’s space industry, renowned for its world-class industrial and technological prowess in R&D, is shifting its focus towards the commercialization of space technology, with concerted efforts from the Japanese government and industry to grow its space business. This pivot builds on a long-standing international collaboration in space development and exploration, initiated by a Japan-U.S. Joint Communique in 1969, and has seen Japan engaging in significant projects primarily led by NASA, with expectations for expanded collaboration in space exploration and science.
Recent developments have further strengthened space cooperation between the U.S. and Japan, including the signing of the Gateway Implementation Agreement in November 2022 as part of NASA’s Artemis missions for lunar exploration, offering a JAXA astronaut a crew position on a future Artemis mission. Additionally, Japan’s early commitment to the ISS extension until 2030, the signing of the Framework Agreement for Cooperation in Outer Space in January 2023, and subsequent dialogues and plans for a trade mission in May 2023, underscore a deepening partnership aimed at advancing space science, exploration, technology, and commercial opportunities between the two nations.
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