Digantara has announced the launch of the company’s SCOT (Space Camera for Object Tracking), inaugural mission that is dedicated to space surveillance and was launched aboard SpaceX’s Transporter-12 mission—SCOT aims […]
Resident Space Objects (RSOs)
LeoLabs awarded Department of Commerce contract for space traffic management prototype
LeoLabs, Inc., late last year received an award to provide data and services to the U.S. Department of Commerce to support the development of a U.S. civil-led Space Traffic Management […]
U.S. Space Operations Command Accepts GSSAP Satellites #5 + #6 As Operationally Capable
Space Operations Command has accepted Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program (GSSAP) satellites 5 and 6 as operationally capable and has presented them to United States Space Command for operational use. […]