Starfish Space, in collaboration with D-Orbit, a space logistics company, accomplished a successful on orbit rendezvous between Starfish’s Otter Pup and D-Orbit’s ION SCV006 satellite. The Starfish team calculated and […]
Orbital Transportation Services
DCUBED and Solestial’s new solar array to make space more affordable
DCUBED, the German NewSpace hardware manufacturer, and Solestial, the U.S. solar energy company for space, have today announced a new solar array product designed to make space more affordable. The […]
Momentus to spotlight the low cost M-1000 bus
Momentus Inc. (NASDAQ: MNTS) will be attending Small Satellite Conference from August 5-10 in Logan, Utah, and will be hosting a presentation to discuss the company’s orbital transportation and hosted […]
Momentus to deliver 9 IoT sats to orbit for Apogeo Space
Momentus Inc. (NASDAQ: MNTS) has signed an agreement with Apogeo Space to provide orbital transportation services for nine satellites that are part of Apogeo’s planned, 100-satellite, Internet of Things (IoT) […]