Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW) is providing a critical onboard computer system for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Hera mission, Europe’s inaugural flagship planetary defense mission. Hera is the European-led companion […]
OHB Germany
New Galileo satellites operational after successful on-orbit testing
The two new Galileo satellites launched in April have entered service, completing the second of three constellation planes. With every addition to the constellation, the precision, availability and robustness of […]
Airbus awarded Bundeswehr contract for MILSATCOM system + Sentinel-2C on the move
Germany’s armed forces, the Bundeswehr, has awarded Airbus the SATCOMBw 3 prime contract for the next generation, secure, military satellite system that includes geostationary satellites as well as ground segment, […]
Milestone reached for MTG-S1
Following on from the launch of the first Meteosat Third Generation weather satellite, MTG-I1, last December, the European Space Agency (ESA) focus is now on getting its partner satellite, MTG-S1, […]