Dragonfly Aerospace has signed a contract for the development and delivery of high resolution electro-optical imagers for Pixxel’s planned satellite constellation. The constellation will follow the upcoming launch of Pixxel’s […]
Japanese Space Startup, Synspective’s First SAR Image
Success came to Synspective as it received the first image acquisition from its first own SAR satellite “StriX-α”. This is the first success in Japan that a commercial SAR satellite(100kg […]
NextGen Federal Systems Secures USAF Global Synthetic Weather Radar (GSWR) Contract
NextGen Federal Systems has been awarded the Global Synthetic Weather Radar (GSWR) Research to Operations (R2O) contract by the US Air Force. MIT Lincoln Laboratory’s (MIT LL) research effort established […]
Black Sky Receives Multi-Year Research Contract From IARPA
BlackSky has received an award from the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) for a multi-phase, multi-year research contract — IARPA is responsible for leading research programs to overcome difficult […]
Maxar Debuts 15 cm HD, Offering High Clarity From Commercial Satellite Imagery
Maxar is expanding their High-Definition (HD) imagery offering with the introduction of 15 cm HD. 15 cm HD provides a new pixel experience for our customers, helping them identify smaller […]
ICEYE’s Public Archive Delivering 18K+ Images From SAR Satellites
Access to ICEYE‘s Public Archive has been announced by the firm — this archive contains nearly 18,000 images from ICEYE satellites. The ICEYE Public Archive includes radar imagery in various […]