Just one year after signing a ground-breaking trilateral agreement, the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) partnership is completing facilities construction at the first of three sites that will host […]
Ground-Based Sensors
Northrop Grumman extends AUKUS partnership for the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability
Northrop Grumman Corporation (NYSE: NOC) is developing the Deep Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC) that will track objects in GEO, protecting critical U.S. and allied satellites. DARC is a global […]
Fleet Space acquires an equity stake and collaboration agreement with Thor Energy
Fleet Space Technologies (“Fleet”) has engaged in a collaboration with Thor Energy Plc (“Thor”) that will redefine their mineral exploration approach through cutting-edge, space-enabled technology. This partnership will leverage EXOSPHERE […]
Ariane Group + Eutelsat + Magellium to improve French SSA capabilities
A consortium led by ArianeGroup, in association with Eutelsat and Magellium, has been awarded a contract by CNES under the France 2030 investment plan, to improve space surveillance performance in […]