GMV has been awarded a contract by the European Space Agency (ESA) to lead the CyberCUBE mission, a key initiative under ESA’s Cybersecurity Operations Centre (CSOC) Cyber Evolutions program. The […]
GMV to evolve the infrastructure of the Galileo’s European GNSS Service Centre
The European Union Agency for the Space Program (EUSPA) recently awarded GMV a framework contract to evolve the infrastructure of the European GNSS Service Center (E-GSC) — this contract, valued […]
Alén Space to participate in ESA’s LEO-PNT mission
The LEO-PNT mission by the European Space Agency (ESA) is already underway and Alén Space will be one of the key partners in the consortium of companies that will design […]
GMV to supply the new space surveillance system for Spain’s Ministry of Defense
Spain’s Ministry of Defense, through its Directorate General of Weapons and Material, has awarded a €2.7 million contract to the multinational technology firm GMV, for development, implementation, and support and maintenance […]
GMV to lead ESA’s LEO PNT End-to-End In-Orbit Demonstrator mission
The aim of this mission is to demonstrate services and develop key technologies of LEO satellites for Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) by launching a small constellation of five satellites. […]
Astroscale to lead consortium to secure UK Space Agency contract for ADR Refueling Mission
Astroscale Ltd. has successfully bid for the UK Space Agency’s Active Debris Removal (ADR) Refuelling feasibility study. This £2 million UKSA study program marks a significant milestone in the mission […]
ESA’s Proba-3 mission, led by Sener, enters the last test phase prior to launch
The Proba-3 mission of the European Space Agency (ESA), led by the Sener engineering and technology group, has reached a new milestone after successfully completing the environmental testing campaign of […]
GMV successfully completes tests of robot designed for assembly and maintenance of structures in Earth’s orbit
Multinational technology company GMV successfully concluded ground validation tests for a space robot designed to assemble structures in Earth’s orbit as part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA) MIRROR project […]
GMV to implement innovative cybersecurity system for UAVs in Galicia
GMV and the regional government of Galicia’s Galician Innovation Agency have entered into a €1.6 million contract, for developing a cybersecurity system that can detect radiofrequency signal jamming in the area […]
GMV provides the core software for the Greek Space Surveillance and Tracking (SST) System
The National Observatory of Athens (NOA), supported by the Ministry of Digital Governance of Greece – General Secretariat of Telecommunications & Posts, awarded a contract to GMV to supply the […]