Viavi Solutions Inc. (VIAVI) (NASDAQ: VIAV) announces the availability of SecurePNT™ 6200 with SecureTimeSM services, a resilient timing clock solution that delivers a comprehensive assurance of positioning, navigation and timing […]
Spire Global solution enlightens dark shipping detection
Spire Global, Inc. , a global provider of space-based data, analytics and space services, reveal a dark shipping detection solution to track vessels that manipulate their reported position in order to conceal nefarious activities. The […]
OSNMA Anti-Spoofing Security Incorporated Into Septentrio’s GNSS Receiver Modules
Septentrio has released OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication) functionality on their mosaic GNSS receiver modules. OSNMA offers end-to-end authentication on Galileo’s civilian signals, protecting receivers from GNSS spoofing attacks. […]