Airbus Defence and Space has delivered the first Sentinel-5 instrument for the European Space Agency (ESA) that will be integrated on MetOp Second Generation Satellite A. The UVNS (Ultraviolet Visible […]
Airbus Defence and Space
Hisdesat’s SpainSat NG II enters the final construction phase
The communications module (CM) of Hisdesat’s SpainSat NG II secure telecommunications satellite is entering the final stretch of the construction process. After 12 months of work in the clean room […]
Airbus to expand the company’s Earth Observation constellation with Pléiades Neo Next
Airbus has launched the Pléiades Neo Next program to expand its very high resolution Earth observation constellation. This new program will result in new satellite assets and capabilities, including enhanced […]
Kepler partners with TESAT-Spacecom + Airbus D&S for LEO optical comm network
Kepler Communications, Inc. has entered into an agreement with TESAT-Spacecom and Airbus Defence and Space to develop a high bandwidth optical communications network in LEO to address emerging opportunities such […]
SpaceX launches EUTELSAT 36D providing more than 1100 broadcast channels in Africa, Russia and Europe
On Saturday, March 30 at 5:52 p.m. ET, Falcon 9 launched the EUTELSAT 36D mission to a geosynchronous transfer orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at the Kennedy Space Center […]
Forrester’s Digest: GEO satellite demand decreases plus Eutelsat OneWeb + Intelsat
The Satellite 2024 conference in Washington opened with its regular panel of satellite manufacturing executives. They admitted that demand for their geostationary craft had dropped. Chris Johnson, CEO at Maxar […]
EarthCARE goes west for launch as ESA’s most complex Earth Explorer mission
The Airbus-built EarthCARE (Earth Clouds, Aerosols and Radiation Explorer) spacecraft has left Munich, Germany, and is now on its way aboard an aircraft to its launch site in Vandenberg, California. […]
Astroscale to lead consortium to secure UK Space Agency contract for ADR Refueling Mission
Astroscale Ltd. has successfully bid for the UK Space Agency’s Active Debris Removal (ADR) Refuelling feasibility study. This £2 million UKSA study program marks a significant milestone in the mission […]
Airbus Defence and Space and mu Space’s Memorandum of Understanding
On January 26, 2024, Airbus Defence and Space SAS (“Airbus”) and mu Space and Advanced Technology Co, Ltd (“mu Space”) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on […]
Airbus awarded UK Space Agency grant to develop Space Catalyst in Stevenage
Airbus Defence and Space in the UK has been awarded £3.9 million from the UK Space Agency (UKSA) to create a space and connectivity catalyst at its headquarters in Stevenage […]