The Space Data Association (SDA) earlier this year received the recommendation to achieve Permanent Observer Status at the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS).

During its 67th session, the UN COPUOS agreed to recommend that the SDA be granted permanent observer status by the UN General Assembly when it meets this fall.
This special status with the Committee gives SDA the authorization to attend meetings of the Committee and its subsidiary bodies, the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee and the Legal Subcommittee, access associated documentation, deliver technical presentations and provide relevant documentation for consideration by States members, and otherwise address the Committee and its Subcommittees under agenda items, particularly on matters relevant to ensuring the long-term sustainability of outer space activities, addressing the growing space debris issue, and engaging in greater information sharing on space objects and orbital events for the benefit of all stakeholders engaged in space activities.
The SDA is an international organization that brings together satellite operators to support the controlled, reliable and efficient sharing of data critical to the safety and integrity of the space environment. Formed in 2009, the SDA aims to improve flight safety through sharing of operational data and promotion of best practices for space use. Its membership includes the world’s major satellite communications operators as well as remote sensing organisations.
The SDA runs a tried and tested service to share contact details, pool operational data, validate them, and perform conjunction assessments. Hence the SDA represents a viable existing solution to aid UN Member States with the implementation of the Long Term Sustainability Guidelines dealing with safety of space operations.
Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA), Aarti Holla-Maini, said, “We care very much about what you do, and COPUOS also cares very much about what you do…. I will continue to engage you and bring you to COPUOS to continue to inspire States members to take the right decisions and hopefully accelerate some of that decision making as well.”
Joe Chan, Chairman, Space Data Association, said, “I am thrilled that the SDA has been granted the much-coveted observer status within the UN COPUOS. Shared collaborations such as this between the UN COPUOS and SDA are critical for the sustainable use and development of the space eco-system. The permanent observer status will enable the SDA to work more closely with key stakeholders and drive forward the space safety agenda, for the benefit of all space users.”