The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) funding within the second call of the program ‘Use of space infrastructure for Earth Observation and Planetary Research (GO)‘ from 2022 will be divided among nine research projects — the funded research proposals encompass studies on, for example, air quality and climate models or the evolution and origin of Mercury.
Various national and international space organisations and institutes have launched and continue to maintain advanced infrastructure in space. This space infrastructure, and the data and signals derived from it, are available to researchers and other users. In the context of the space policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW), NWO together with Netherlands Space Office (NSO) wants to encourage the use of this infrastructure by Dutch researchers for the benefit of science and society.
Within this objective, the GO program is open to scientific research within two research themes: Earth Observation research and research into planets and objects within the solar system. In this round, the assessment committee evaluated 26 EO proposals and 5 planetary research applications.