Start-up space ventures attracted approximately $8 billion in total financing in 2022. This investment was in the form of 154 deals, involving more than 400 investors, in 123 companies based in 20+ countries.
Four key insights shaped the start-up space environment in 2022.
Venture investment in space decreased from 2021, reflecting the broader investment environment.
2022 start-up space investment levels are below the record-shattering levels seen in 2021 but remain strong compared to previous years.
The magnitudes for debt financing and acquisitions increased due to a few significant investments.
Public offering activity declined in 2022 after emerging as a major source of start-up space funding in 2021.
The report dives into investment trends in 2022, explaining how monetary policy tightening affected global venture capital investment in space, the surge in debt financing and merger and acquisition activity, and trends in public offerings events, including special purpose acquisition company activity.
Future performance risks remain for some space ventures, due to unproven business models, uncertain customer bases, and typically lengthy time horizons for space businesses to mature.
Download the 2023 Start-Up Space report for additional information…