BridgeComm and X-lumin Corporation have signed a two-way, exclusive, teaming agreement to manufacture and market a new ground-to-space (G2S) communication solution.

The G2S solution is designed for all-weather austere locations, operating at high availability 24/7/365. The system functions as a ground terminal supporting bi-directional links to LEO, MEO and GEO satellites and can operate as a stand-alone optical ground station (OGS) or as part of a network.
With this exclusive teaming agreement, BridgeComm and X-lumin will make this comprehensive laser communications solution available to provide superior quality ground-to-space optical communications from anywhere in the world.
The G2S solution features interoperability with SDA, CCSDS, and U.S. and International FSOC Modem and Wavelength Standards. This exclusive agreement marks a significant milestone for BridgeComm and X-lumin Corporation and underscores their commitment to pushing the boundaries of optical wireless communication technology.
“We are excited to work with X-lumin Corporation to expand our capabilities to design, build and deliver a state-of-the-art laser communications ground optical solution to market. This collaboration will allow us to enhance global connectivity solutions for space-based companies, government and mobile networks, enabling humans and machines to interact without limitation.” — Michael Abad-Santos, CEO of BridgeComm
“BridgeComm has been a great partner for us, and this agreement helps solidify our complete offering of lasercom solutions for both space applications as well as telecommunications service providers here on Earth.” — Diana LaTour, Co-Founder, CEO and Chairman of X-lumin Corporation.