ETL Systems, a UK specialist in designing and manufacturing RF equipment, recently received an order valued at $1.33 million from a large U.S. Government and Defense contractor.
Having worked with ETL previously, the customer knew it was able to consult with ETL’s engineering team to deliver a custom 3U Test Matrix design; the product needed to simultaneously fulfill their RF performance requirements and eliminate their problem of limited rack space. The total order included 20 Test Matrices which can cover frequencies from 0 to 6 GHz.
ETL delivered the order to a high standard, successfully meeting the customer’s strict technical compliances and their short delivery time frame. The entire process, including the design, manufacture, and delivery, was completed within 5 months.
Bill Pryle, Government RF Consultant at ETL Systems, commented, “We worked closely with the RF engineering team to design a custom 3U Test Matrix. I am delighted they chose to work with ETL Systems and look forward to further projects with them in the future.”