Space & Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) has released their newest Better Satellite World video: Is There a Satellite Inside?
Aimed at middle and senior high school students, it asks a series of questions about the satellites “hiding in plain sight” around the Earth, working behind the scenes to bring them television, weather updates and even breakfast.
Is There a Satellite Inside? is the second in a video series, sponsored by Hunter Communications, that aims to teach the next generation of space enthusiasts about the role satellites play in everyday life. The video posits questions for individual or classroom viewing; in the classroom, teachers can pause the video after each question to allow time for discussion before restarting it to hear the answer. The first video in the series, The Road to Space, debuted in March and is available on SSPI’s website.
Watch Is There a Satellite Inside? at this direct link… SSPI is at work on a third video in the series and seeks sponsors for additional videos.
Executive Comment
“Our school series started when SSPI members asked us for content they could take into their children’s classrooms to explain what they did for a living,” said Executive Director Robert Bell. “Most STEM content related to space focuses on human spaceflight, which is a small if high profile part of the $400 billion space and satellite industry. Thanks to the support of Hunter Communications, The Road to Space and Is There a Satellite Inside? begin to redress the balance.”