Manufactured to the highest quality standards from cerium doped glass, Resolve Optics Ltd. offers a range of fixed focus radiation resistant lenses that can withstand radiation exposure of up to 100 kGy (100,000,000 rads) […]
Radiation Resistant
Resolve Optics optical module enhances satellite lens versatility
Resolve Optics has developed a unique optical module that fulfills the wide range of mounting arrangements used by different satellite camera systems. Developed in conjunction with ultra-high-definition video camera specialists […]
AMD Versal AI Edge Adaptive SoC for space apps
AMD has announced their Versal™ AI Edge XQRVE2302, the second device in the Versal adaptive SoC portfolio to be qualified for space flight. The XQRVE2302 is the first time the […]
Resolve Optics: Custom radiation resistant lenses readily available
Resolve Optics offers an OEM design and manufacture service for organizations that are currently deploying, or plan to deploy, optical payloads into space who require radiation resistant fixed focus lenses […]
Radiation resistant low light lens available from Resolve Optics
Manufactured from radiation resistant glass, the Model 313 fixed focus lens from Resolve Optics has an aperture of f/1.4 to enable as much light as possible to be gathered and […]
Resolve Optics publishes their intro to custom optical design + manufacturing
Resolve Optics has published a new, 12-page brochure for engineers and optical designers who are looking for a specialist lens or optical system to solve a challenging application or give […]