The United States Space Force Commercial Satellite Communications Office is seeking information for potential sources for providing managed service High Throughput Satellite (HTS) capacity and broadband services, gateway services, and monitoring and control of services), satellite terminals, field service representative support, training, and terrestrial backhaul.
DoD requirements for COMSATCOM services must be competed using one of the FCSA (Future COMSATCOM Services Acquisition) contract vehicles. This Sources Sought is posted on both sam.gov and GSA eBuy; however, only one response is requested from any specific firm, whether responding to the beta.sam.gov posting or the GSA eBuy posting. Small businesses are encouraged to respond.
The anticipated timeframe would be April of 2023 to April of 2028.
The required capabilities include…
- Capability to provide 24/7 field service representative support
- Capability to provide terminal leasing to include:
Terminal size range from 0.3 to 7.3 m
Spares kits for all terminals
All ancillary equipment required
Warranties for all terminals and spares kits
- Customer training
- Terrestrial back-haul
High throughput capability - 10 Gbps x 4 Gbps on a 2.4m antenna
- Low Latency <150 millisecond round trip
- Access from at a minimum +/- 50 degrees latitude
- NSA CNSSP-12 compliant spacecraft payload security
Special requirements:
- Access to United States Government (USG) Gateways
- Secured steerable beams
- Ability to provide loopback configuration
- Ability to provide terminals and solutions for maritime and communications on the move (COTM) operations.
- Ability to provide large file transmissions (over 1 TB) without packet loss
- Ability to provide High Definition (HD) video over Unified Video Dissemination System (UVDS)
- Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) data in real time
- Cloud based operations

Read the entire document at this direct SAM.GOV link…