The 2021 edition of Satellite Connectivity & Video Market is now available — this Euroconsult report provides an in-depth analysis of the satellite communication sector, particularly regarding the use of commercial satellite capacity. This publication includes historic figures and 10-year forecasts for capacity supply, capacity leased, capacity revenue and the cost of capacity per unit.
Now in its 28th edition, this Euroconsult flagship report is considered an essential tool for business planning and investment decisions in the satellite industry. Some of the Key Findings include…
- Total market value for satellite capacity leased continued to decline, reaching $10.3b in 2020, a 5% y-o-y decrease
- The underlying demand for satellite capacity remains strong and total satellite capacity leased globally has nearly doubled between 2016 and 2020 to 1.8 Tbps
- The Video market continued its downward trend started a couple of years ago, with both the number of TV channels and capacity usage lower in 2020 than in 2019
- NGSOs accounted for 97% of supply added in 2020 with satellites launched by both Starlink and OneWeb. The increasing dominance of NGSO is also reflected in our supply forecast, with NGSO accounting for ~90% of total supply to be added in the next five years
- The total global capacity supply will first grow from 3.7 Tbps in 2020 to 23 Tbps in 2022 and reach >50 Tbps from 2026
- Total market value is forecast to double between 2020 and 2030 to $20.6 billion
- Enterprise networks and consumer broadband should contribute to close to 60% of the capacity revenue growth between 2020 and 2030
- The mobility segment is projected to approach revenue levels of video applications by 2030 ($3.4 billion vs. $3.7 billion in 2030), with the latter’s market value to continue to level off in the coming decade.
The report is offered in two different versions: Classic and Premium, with the latter including additional content:
- Detailed view on TV channel forecast for DTH and Non-DTH:
- Number of TV channels by DTH platform and orbital position
- DTH channels forecast split by format and compression
- Non-DTH channels forecast split by format and compression
- Enhanced granularity of VSAT terminal forecast by service application
- Extended capacity pricing forecast broken down by application (8) and region (13)
- Quarterly updates of satellite supply capacity by region and system type
- Market share of capacity leases by operator
New content compared to previous editions…
- Impact update of COVID-19 on the FSS sector
- Detailed assessment of structural drivers including digitalization, NGSO supply & competition, C-band reallocation, vertical integration, and managed services
- Summary of key events occurred in past 12 months by region
- Updated market intelligence on the capacity pricing environment for regular, and GEO HTS and NGSO capacity and the impact on capacity ARPU.
- Additional infographics to highlight current state and projected changes in the capacity and revenue forecasts
More information about the report contents is available within the Free Extract available on the product page.